Registration Options

Register Online

Visa and MasterCard accepted.

If you don't want to register online or don't have / prefer not to pay with a credit card, you may choose from the following options.

Register by phone

Call 204-927-6070 between the hours of 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. 

If calling after hours, please leave a message and we will return your call on the next business day. 

Please have a credit card handy when you call.

Online Forms/Offline Payments

These forms do not collect an online payment, only information. After completing your form, please call 204-927-6070 to pay with a credit card over the phone or to schedule a time to come pay by debit. You can also pay by cheque.

Camp Forms

Complete the online form (summer camp), then call 204-451-7445 to schedule a time to come pay by debit. You can also pay by cheque and gift card.

Summer Camp Registration Form 

Pay by cheque

Make cheque payable to "Assiniboine Park Conservancy" and the payment amount includes the GST.

Cheques can be dropped off at or mailed to:

Assiniboine Park Conservancy
55 Pavilion Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3P 2N6
ATTN: Education & Programs - Kaman Choi.

Assiniboine Park
& Zoo Maps

Zoo Map Park Map