Yellow-spotted Amazon River Turtle

This river turtle lives in the Amazon River, surrounding lakes and flooded forests. These turtles are omnivores, but the majority of their diet consists of plant material such as seeds and bark. This species of turtle can live up to 70 years. Fun Fact: Courtship in this turtle species involves nipping at feet and tails.

Taxonomic name:  Podocnemis unifilis

Type:  Reptile

Conservation Status:  Vulnerable

Wild Range: The Amazon River, surrounding lakes and flooded forests

Diet:  Omnivores, but the majority of their diet consists of plant material such as seeds and bark.

Size:  38 to 69 centimetres and 0.5 to 3 kg (Females are typically larger than males)

Visit our yellow-spotted Amazon River turtle in Toucan Ridge in the Zoo!