My name is Danae. I am from Fisher River Cree Nation and I am a band member of Peguis First Nation. I was born and raised in Winnipeg, but spent the first three years of my life on my reserves. When I think of where I’m from, I think of living on Mandalay. It’s where I grew up, where all of my memories flood to.
I loved learning from the knowledge keepers this summer. The one that stood out the most was the Land-based physical education specialist, Norbert Mercredi. He had a lot of cool games made of leather, rocks and sticks. My favourite was the “Trouble” game and Tic Tac Toe. Norbert also showed us how to play Lacrosse and Hockey with handmade equipment. It was a lot of fun and I will cherish that day for a long time.
My favourite part of the program was visiting Assiniboine Forest. I enjoyed walking the trails and learning from Sara McIvor-Prouty and Carl Smith about different medicines and plants that grow around the forest. My favourite place in the forest is on top of the hill on the pink trail. I loved that we would all stop there together without question, it was really nice. One teaching that stood out to me was where you can find Weecase (Also known as Weekay or Muskrat Root) and when you can pick it. Late September in bullrushes along the creek. I have used Weecase before and ran out so it’s nice to know where and when I can find it.
The Indigenous Youth Storytelling program is supported by The Conservation Trust through Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation.