My name is Theran, and I’m from Sandy Bay First Nation.
My favourite place is the Assiniboine Forest because it's the closest to nature. We got to walk around and see all the flowers on a nature walk and we saw a deer, too.
The teaching I remember was from Elder Mary Courchane. She said to give thanks for everything that we have. Give thanks for the day. Give thanks for the land we walk on. That tells me not to take things for granted.
The time I feel connected to the land is whenever I smudge -- just to smell the sage, sweet grass or cedar reminds me of the land.
I would like people to know that I’m pretty chill and an easy-going person. What I do for fun is play games and hang out with my friends - just hanging out with my friends makes me laugh.
The thing I’m most proud of is all my friends, relatives, and relations that I have made. What's next for me is that I plan to work and then go to University.
Theran with Elder Mary Courchene.
The Indigenous Youth Storytelling program is supported by The Conservation Trust through Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation.