Tribute Programs

MemoryStones and ZooRocks

Thank you for choosing to honour loved ones and celebrate special occasions by supporting the MemoryStone and ZooRocks programs at Assiniboine Park. No further installations of MemoryStones or ZooRocks are being planned at this time. Please scroll down to learn about the other Tribute Programs here at Assiniboine Park.

Bench and Fence Plaques

The Assiniboine Park Conservancy is pleased to offer tribute plaques on benches and fences at select Park locations as a special way to honour your loved ones. Please contact us for more information about bench and fence tribute programs and to make your gift.

 - Bench Plaques

Bench Plaques

Plaques are currently available on select benches in the following areas of the Park and Zoo with a donation of $7,500:

  • The Lyric Field
  • The pathway between The Pavilion and Qualico Family Centre
  • Pavilion Plaza
  • The Esplanade pathway surrounding the Gardens at The Leaf
  • The Grove at Gardens at The Leaf
  • Aunt Sally’s Farm
  • and the Zoo

Bench plaques at the Pavilion Plaza, Esplanade, Aunt Sally’s Farm, and the Zoo allow for 200 characters*. Bench plaques at The Grove, the Lyric Field and the pathway between The Pavilion and Qualico Family Centre allow for four lines of text, with 38 characters* per line. One plaque per bench.

Benches at the English Garden, Leo Mol Sculpture Garden, Riley Family Duck Pond area, Kitchen Garden, Seasonal Garden, and Sensory Garden are currently sold out. Benches are not available at the Indigenous Peoples Garden or inside The Leaf.

 - Wrought Iron Fence Plaques

Wrought Iron Fence Plaques

Wrought Iron Fence Plaque dedications and installations are on hold.

These oval bronze plaques are placed on the tall iron fence at the entrance to the Leo Mol Sculpture Garden. Plaques allow for ten lines of text, with 36 characters* per line.

Standard plaque: $5,000 donation

 - Stone Wall Plaques

Stone Wall Plaques

Stone Wall Plaque dedications and installations are on hold.

These rectangular bronze plaques are placed on the low stone wall surrounding the English Garden. Standard plaques allow for three lines of text, with 24 characters* per line. Fence and wall plaques can take up to 10-12 weeks for installation from the time the inscription proof is approved.

Standard plaque: $5,000 donation

Contact us for more information about our tribute programs or to make your gift:

Phone: 204-927-8080 | Email:

Tribute Programs FAQs

All tribute program donations are eligible for a tax receipt which will be issued for the full donation amount.

Donation amounts for bench and fence tributes are subject to change without notice.

*Characters include letters, spaces, and punctuation. Larger or capital letters may take up more space. We use one standard font and can incorporate italics and French diacritical marks. Text will be centred and sized to fit the entire available space. No images or logos will be engraved. 1 plaque per bench.

Tribute Program Terms

A donation to the Assiniboine Park Conservancy (APC) for a bench or fence tribute does not constitute ownership of the item, the land upon which it is situated, or the surrounding area. Benches, fences, and plaques will be exposed to natural elements, pedestrian traffic, and other wear and tear. Bench tributes are provided for the natural life span of the bench (guaranteed 10 years). Trees and landscape around benches subject to change and/or removal due to weather events, animal activity, disease, and other unforeseen circumstances. APC agrees to maintain all Park benches and plaques against extreme weather damage and vandalism. Renewed tributes on new benches are offered to existing bench donors at 20% less the current requested donation. APC reserves the right to temporarily or permanently relocate benches and plaques in necessary circumstances. In such cases, APC will make all reasonable efforts to consult with the donor, family members, or representatives prior to any such relocation or alteration. Full payment and a signed agreement must be received before a tribute item can be guaranteed.

A donation to the Assiniboine Park Conservancy (APC) for a ZooRock or MemoryStone does not constitute ownership of the stone, the land upon which it is situated, or the surrounding area. ZooRocks and MemoryStones will be exposed to natural elements, pedestrian traffic, Park maintenance (including snow clearing, ice removal, and general landscaping), and other wear and tear, which may affect the inscriptions and the stones’ appearance. Once installed, ZooRocks and MemoryStones will not be replaced or repaired. ZooRocks and MemoryStones will remain in place until such time that the plaza needs to be upgraded, replaced/removed or changes to the building or space are necessary or due to circumstances beyond the control of APC. APC will attempt to contact the donor should such a circumstance arise.

Assiniboine Park
& Zoo Maps

Zoo Map Park Map