Plastic is everywhere – which unfortunately includes our natural ecosystems and waterways. Plastic waste has a significant negative environmental and public health impact. In July, challenge yourself to reduce your single-use plastics. What better way to do this than to have a plastic-free picnic at Assiniboine Park?

Step one: Think about what items you will bring that are single-use plastic or have plastic packaging, such as:

  • Cutlery
  • Cups and water bottles
  • Plates & Bowls
  • Chip bags
  • Juice boxes
  • Tablecloths
  • Packaging from other food items like crackers, cheese, hot dogs, bun bags, etc.

Step two: Make a plan to swap! Here are some simple swaps you can try, or create your own:

  • Bring reusable cutlery – bamboo sets make a lightweight, washable picnic alternative. Or head to a thrift store and pick up a metal set that you’re not too attached to.
  • Bring a water dispensing jug – add ice to keep it refreshing – and ask everybody to bring their water bottle.
  • Swap to finger foods to avoid the need for plates; or have everybody bring their own (washable) dinnerware.
  • Swap chips for home-popped popcorn – bonus? It’s a huge money saver!
  • Bring a jug of juice and some kid-friendly washable cups instead of juice boxes.
  • It can be fun to dress up a picnic with a tablecloth. Bring a washable or reusable wipeable style instead of a disposable tablecloth and enjoy the added benefit of it staying put more easily.

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Step three: Sort your waste!

We have garbage and recycling bins throughout APC, but always recommend that if you pack it in, you pack it out. This helps the wildlife that gets attracted to our bins by the smell of food remnants.

What should go in the recycling bin?

  • Clean paper & cardboard
  • Empty beverage containers, including juice boxes and gable-top boxes (just no coffee cups!)
  • Plastics number 1-5 and 7 (check inside the little recycling triangle), as long as they aren’t foamy, filmy, stretchy, or black
  • Visit the recyclepedia for more information on what we can recycle here in Winnipeg.

Step four: keep it going! Here are some other fun challenges to help you reduce your plastic waste!

You can try the Plastic-Free July challenge, Take the Ocean Wise Plastic Pledge, or do a home waste audit to learn more about the types of waste you’re producing.

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Ready for your picnic? There are many great places to have your plastic-free picnic at the Park! Check out the nature playground, the grove in the Gardens at The Leaf, the Lyric Field, and all the picnic sites along the Assiniboine River. Happy picnicking!