
Reindeer are a species of deer found in the Arctic tundra and adjacent boreal forests of Canada, the northwestern U.S., Alaska, Greenland, Norway, Finland, Russia, and Mongolia. In North America, wild reindeer are called caribou. Fun fact: Reindeer are the only species of deer in which females grow antlers.

Taxonomic name:  Rangifer tarandus

Type:  Mammal

Conservation Status:  Vulnerable

Wild Range:  The Arctic tundra and adjacent boreal forests of Canada, the northwestern U.S., Alaska, Greenland, Norway, Finland, Russia, and Mongolia.

Diet:  Lichens, forbs, grasses, shrubs, and sedges

Longevity: 12-16 years

Size:  Males can stand 1.2 meters and females are slightly smaller.

Visit our reindeer in Journey to Churchill and the Animals of Asia Section of the Zoo!