Taxonomic name: Carollia perspicillata

Conservation Status: Least Concern (IUCN Red List)

Wild Range: Forests, caves, and subterranean areas of Central and South America, ranging from southern Mexico to southern Brazil

Diet: Primarily frugivores (eats fruit), but will feed on nectar, pollen, and insects in the off season

Longevity in the wild: Up to 10 years

Size: 4.5 to 6.35 cm

Weight: 10 to 20 grams

Fun fact: Males of this species are territorial and sometimes get into 'boxing matches' with each other during disputes. However, either bat can choose to stop the fight and fly away, with most of these skirmishes ending in just a few minor scrapes or bruises.

APZ location: Toucan Ridge

Although Seba's short-tailed bats are considered not at risk, they still face the same threats as other bat species, such as hunting, habitat loss, pesticides, and persecution. When shopping, consider how your choices might contribute to deforestation, which threatens their important roosting areas!