As the days grow cooler and leaves turn golden, we're thrilled to introduce "Abundance," a new fall display at The Leaf that celebrates the arrival of autumn. This space marks the end of the growing season and invites us to appreciate our efforts in nurturing the land and garden. Abundance is all about celebrating a plentiful harvest, and evoking feelings of warmth and generosity. Inspired by farmers' markets and the changing leaves, it's designed to get you in the autumn spirit.

Join us as we talk to Carmen Grey, our horticultural operations coordinator, to learn about the meaning behind the display. From choosing the right plants to creating a space that leaves you inspired, our horticulture team is passionate about showcasing beauty.

What is the meaning behind the fall display?

Carmen Grey: Abundance is meant to ease us out of summer mode and guide us into fall. The fall display is a conceptual representation of autumn, crisp air and amber afternoons. It signifies the end of the growing season and presents an opportunity to acknowledge our effort spent tending the garden and nurturing the land. We hope the fall display can provide a chance to share our gratitude and appreciation for an eventful summer.

Fallen Tree

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How do the visual aspects reveal the theme?

The plants and set features have been selected to create a warm and welcoming environment. The colour scheme and design were developed with the goal of creating a nostalgic atmosphere with strong autumnal scenery.

Abundance is inspired by local farmers markets, end-of-season harvesting and traditions that take place at this time of year. At the ‘Abundance Farm’ corner of the display, visitors will see the bounty of the season; boughs of fresh and preserved produce adorn a farmers’ market set complete with a red and white barn façade.

What are some unique aspects of this display?

My favourite feature of the display is the ‘Fallen Tree’. This tree is an arching prop that visitors walk under as they enter the Babs Asper Display House. It looks like a large oak that has been cracked and weathered over time. We presented the concept to the Royal Manitoba Theater Company who masterfully built this piece for the fall display, and we are very happy with how it turned out.

The ‘Oak Allee’ is a collection of oaks that have been thoughtfully selected and carefully removed from the Park. It is beautiful that although these oak trees have reached the end of their natural life in the Park, they now transport visitors from the Mediterranean biome through a fall forest scene.

Another unique aspect is that the fresh produce displayed will be passed along to the Zoo for feed and animal enrichment. Produce that cannot be repurposed will be composted, enhancing the soil quality and supporting the growth of healthy, vibrant gardens throughout the Park.

Abundance Display

Farmers Shed, Abundance Display

Abundance Farm Display

Plants play the most important role of course, what species are featured?

Chrysanthemums or mums are flowering plants that belong to the Asteraceae family. Their diverse range of colours and forms make them a fall favourite for ornamental gardens and floral arrangements. In my opinion, they are the quintessential fall flowers.

Japanese maples, scientifically known as Acer palmatum are trees native to Japan, Korea and parts of China, because they originate from a warmer climate, they are tough to grow in Winnipeg due to our harsh winters. One of the most distinctive features of Japanese maples is their intricate and beautiful foliage. If you visit Abundance, take a look at how these leaves differ from the Manitoba maple.

How would you describe what abundance means to you?

To me, “abundance” is the result of concerted efforts made not only in the garden but also in life. An abundant life and an abundant garden are a reflection of a great deal of care and attention.

In the context of this display, "abundance" celebrates natural beauty, colours, and the bountiful harvest that characterizes this season. The display is designed to evoke a sense of plenty and generosity, showcasing an array of autumnal elements, from the vibrant colours of fall leaves to the fresh produce at a farmers' market. "Abundance" in this context encapsulates the idea of an overflowing, vibrant, and visually stunning representation of the autumn season.

What do you hope people will take away from this display?

In essence, the Abundance display is designed to leave a lasting impression that goes beyond the visual spectacle. It's a celebration of nature's abundance, an invitation to connect with the natural world, and a gentle reminder of our collective responsibility to care for and sustain the environment.

I hope that people who visit Abundance leave feeling fulfilled. I also hope that visitors take the opportunity to share one of their favourite fall memories with us on the Gratitude Tree in the Grand Allee of The Leaf.

Oak Trees at the Abundance display

Mums at the Abundance display

We invite you to come and experience the splendour of autumn and let the vibrant colours and rich textures remind you of the beauty that surrounds us in the natural world. As you explore this display, we hope you'll not only be inspired by the season's magnificence but also take a moment to reflect on the importance of gratitude and stewardship. Autumn is a time for both reflection and celebration, a time to be grateful for the abundance of nature's gifts. We hope this display will leave you with a heart full of appreciation for the natural world we share.

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